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JUNE, 2019


This is to certify that this research project on the Effect of Alcoholism on the Academic Performance of Students in Calabar South Local Government Area of Cross River State is an original work carried out by me Obot, Ubong Aniedi with the Matriculation Number (11/06244321), Department of Science Education (Biology unit), Faculty of Education, University of Calabar, Calabar under competent supervision.

___________________                     __________________

Obot, Ubong Aniedi                                           Date

(Student Researcher)  


I declare that this research project on the Effect of Alcoholism on the Academic Performance of Students in Calabar South Local Government Area of Cross River State is an original work carried out by Obot, Ubong Aniedi with the Matriculation Number (11/06244321), Department of Science Education (Biology unit), Faculty of Education, University of Calabar, Calabar under my supervision and has met the requirement for the award of Bachelor of Science Education (B. Sc. Ed.) Degree in Biology.

________________                                  ______________

Dr. (Mrs.) Esther E. Ekon                                  Date

(Project Supervisor)            

Department of Science Education

University of Calabar


I am sincerely grateful to the Almighty God for His infinite grace, protection and guidance throughout my study in this University of Calabar.

I am especially grateful to my able Project Supervisor; Dr. (Mrs.) Esther Ekon who took great pains to read through this work and whose motherly advice and counsel has made it possible to accomplish this research, indeed, she is a mother, God bless you ma’am.

        I am grateful to my Parent; Mr. Obot, Udoh and Mrs. Rebecca Udoh for their moral and financial contributions towards my completion of this course. I love you and you are the best parent any ward can have. I am very grateful to my siblings; John & Joseph Obot (the Jees), Peace Obot, Loveth Obot and James Obot for their support towards the completion of this project.

        My unreserved appreciation goes to my Pastors and mentors of Honeystreams Christian Center (HSCC); Pastor Akomaye Ugar for his spiritual coverage over my life, his unending love and his great impact into my life, my life wouldn’t have been this great if I hadn’t known him; he is indeed a light in this generation. Also, to Pastor Israel Nwoye; whose financial advices are always timely and resourceful. I love you Sir.

        I very much appreciate my senior friends; Evalsam Ele, Paul Nneke, Paul Isibor, Mr. Wills, Sir Saint (the relationship doctor & Mayor of Calabar) and Minister Bassey for their love and support. These relationships has immensely shaped my life.

        I would not forget my friends; Christian Alexander (you may not be here but you still remain in my heart), Akpassen Promise Godwin, , Air Marshal Piro, Francis, Charles, Ramsey and Victoria Ifendu who stood by me and made this research a success.

        My special thanks goes to the Principal and teachers of Laurel Secondary School for their great assistance towards the completion of this research.

        I equally recognize the efforts of those whose names are not mentioned due to space limit. Thank you.


This research work seeks to understand the effects of alcoholism on students’ academic performance in secondary school in Calabar South Local Government Area of Cross River State. The main objective of the study is to examine the effects of alcoholism on student’s academic performance among students in secondary school and to contribute towards a better comprehension of the significance and nature of the identified problem in order to bring possible solution to the problem. This research  suggests some  unique  relationships  between  college  student  alcohol  use  and  subsequent  academic  performance,  but  they  also  have  many  limitations. The instrument used in analyzing this work was questionnaire given to 210 students, thus, it was the remaining 202 properly completed questionnaires that are used for the analysis. The questionnaire was divided into three sections; section A revolves around the demographic data of respondents such as age, sex, etc. section B and C consist of questions which will answer the research questions. A chi-square (X2) was used to ascertain the result that extent the association between the dependent and independent variables. The chi-square (X2) is denoted by the formula: (X2) = ∑ (o-e)2. Based on the findings of this study, the following recommendations are made: teachers and Parents should try to give their children moral, spiritual, social, psychological, and financial support so as to guide them against peer and societal influences and government  should  provide  all  necessary  materials  and  equipment  to  make  teaching  and  learning interesting so as to reduce anti-social behaviours in schools.


TITLE PAGE                                                                i

CERTFICATION                                                            ii

DEDICATION                                                               iii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT                                                   iv

ABSTRACT                                                                  vi

TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                   vii

LIST OF TABLES                                                          x



1.1    Background to the study                                       1

1.2    Theoretical framework                                         11

1.3    Statement of the problem                                     17    

1.4    Purpose of the study                                            17    

1.5    Research questions                                              18    

1.6    Research hypotheses                                           18

1.7    Significance of the study                                       19    

1.8    Limitations of the study                                         20

1.9    Scope of the study                                              20

1.10 Basic assumptions of the study                              21

1.11 Definition of significant terms                                21



2.1    Alcoholism and students’ absenteeism from school    22

2.2    Alcoholism and time students spend on Academics    28

2.3    Alcoholism and students’ grade point average of each session 33



3.1        Research design                                                  41

3.2        Area of Study                                                     42

3.3        Population of the study                                         43

3.4        Instrument of data collection                                 43

3.5        Sample and Sampling technique                            44

3.6        Data Collection procedure                                     45

3.7        Data preparation                                                 46

3.8        Procedure for data analysis                                   46



4.1    Data presentation                                                47

4.2    Test of hypotheses                                              56

4.3    Discussion of findings                                           63



5.1    Summary of the study                                         70

5.2    Recommendations                                               71

5.3    Conclusion                                                          72

REFERENCES                                                                          73

APPENDIX                                                                82


Table 1:    Analysis on the percentage of questionnaire returned

Table 2:    Distribution of respondent by sex                   48

Table 3:    Distribution of respondent by age                   49

Table 4:    Distribution of respondent by class                 49

Table 5:    Distribution of respondent by Religion             50

Table 6:    Distribution of respondent by No of alcohol

intake per                                                  51

Table 7:    Distribution of respondent by major influence of academic performance among students          52

Table 8:    Distribution of respondent by age at first alcoholic consumption                                          53

Table 9:    Response to question 12                               54

Table 10: Response to question 14                               55

Table 11: Response to question 16                               56

Table 12: Contingency table showing distribution of observed frequency for hypothesis one                           57

Table 13: Chi-square computation of hypothesis one       58

Table 14: Contingency table showing distribution of observed frequencies for hypothesis two                    59

Table 15: Chi-square computation for hypothesis two      60

Table 16: Contingency table showing distribution of observed frequencies for hypothesis three                  62

Table 17: Chi-square computation of hypothesis three     62



1.1       Background of the study

In educational institutions, success is measured by academic performance.  As career competition grows ever fiercer in the working world, the importance of students doing well in school has caught the attention of parents, and employers. Education is not the only road to success in the working world, much effort is made to identify, evaluate, track and encourage the progress of students in schools. Parents care about their children’s’ academic performance because they believe that good academic results will provide more career choices and job security (<span lang="EN-US" style="font-size: 12.0pt; line-height: 200%; font-family: 'Verdana','sans-s

This material content is developed to serve as a GUIDE for students to conduct academic research


  • Reference(s):

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