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1.1 Background of the Study

Poor governance has been the plight of many developing countries in Africa since the country attained political independence and has become pervasive because in the practical terms the various governments have tended to be non-transparent, irresponsible and non-accountable to those who supposedly elected them into office. In the opinion of  Kubudi (2021), good governance encompasses “a broad agenda that includes effective government policies and administration, respect for the rule of law, protection of human rights and an effective society. He added that it is not only confined to the political and social issues but also includes proper management of the economy as well as transparency and fair competition in business. On the contrary, bad governance refers to a situation where the institutions and processes of governance, including those in the public and private sectors, fail to effectively fulfill their responsibilities and obligations to citizens. It encompasses a range of deficiencies, including corruption, lack of transparency, weak rule of law, abuse of power, inefficiency, and disregard for human rights. Bad governance can manifest at various levels, from local governments to national administrations, and can have profound implications for social, economic, and political development.

According to Manyong and Eneji (2017), bad governance in Africa is often characterized by corruption, lack of transparency, weak accountability mechanisms, and political patronage networks, among other issues. These dynamics permeate public institutions at various levels, from national governments to local administrations, undermining their capacity to serve the interests of citizens and uphold the rule of law.Corruption stands out as a pervasive and deeply entrenched problem in many African countries, with detrimental effects on governance and development. Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index consistently ranks numerous African countries poorly in terms of corruption levels (Transparency International, 2020). Acemoglu and Robinson (2022) argued that bad governance encompasses a spectrum of malpractices, including corruption, lack of transparency, and arbitrary use of power, all of which directly contribute to human rights abuses.

 Okonoyo (2023) researching on the causes of bad governance in public instition mentioned lack of transparency and weak institution. Thu he added that Lack of transparency further exacerbates the challenges of governance in Africa, as decision-making processes are often opaque and inaccessible to the public. Without transparency, citizens are unable to hold government officials accountable for their actions and decisions. This lack of accountability contributes to the perpetuation of bad governance practices, as public officials face minimal scrutiny and oversight. Weak institutional capacity and ineffective governance structures also play a significant role in perpetuating bad governance dynamics in Africa. Many public institutions suffer from inadequate resources, outdated systems, and limited technical expertise, which hamper their ability to perform their functions effectively. Additionally, political interference and manipulation undermine the independence of institutions such as the judiciary and electoral bodies, compromising their ability to uphold the rule of law and ensure fair and transparent processes.

Significantly, Acemoglu and Robinson (2021) argued that  "Institutions rule the world," emphasizing the pivotal role governance structures play in shaping social outcomes. When  public institutions fails in their duties due to corruption and poor governance, it erodes public trust in government institutions, distorts resource allocation, and undermines the delivery of essential services such as healthcare and education. Moreover, it perpetuates a culture of impunity, where public officials engage in corrupt practices with little fear of consequences. Additionally, the manifestation of political patronage networks further entrench bad governance by promoting loyalty over meritocracy and facilitating the capture of state resources for personal or partisan gain. These networks perpetuate a cycle of corruption and nepotism, where access to power and resources is contingent on political allegiance rather than competence or integrity.

1.2 Statement of the problem

The dynamics of bad governance in public institutions present significant challenges that undermine effective governance and impede socio-economic development. In Cameroon, like many other African countries, the issue of bad governance persists despite efforts at reform. Poor governance practices, characterized by corruption, lack of transparency, and weak accountability mechanisms, plague public institutions and hinder their ability to fulfill their mandates (Akinola, 2020). This situation is exacerbated by the prevalence of non-transparent, irresponsible, and non-accountable behavior among government officials, as observed in various ministries. Despite the aspirations of citizens for accountable and transparent governance, the persistence of bad governance in selected ministries in Cameroon remains a pressing concern, with detrimental consequences for service delivery and public trust in government (Wai in Obadan, 2019).

In an article by Obadan (2021), one of the key manifestations of bad governance in selected ministries in Cameroon is the pervasive issue of corruption, which permeates various aspects of public administration. Corruption undermines the effective use of resources, distorts decision-making processes, and erodes public trust in government institutions. In the context of ministries, corruption manifests through embezzlement of public funds, bribery, and nepotism, leading to inefficiency and inequity in service delivery. Despite efforts to combat corruption through legal and institutional reforms, the entrenched nature of corrupt practices poses a significant challenge to good governance and perpetuates a cycle of malfeasance (Acemoglu & Robinson, 2022). Moreover, the lack of transparency and accountability within selected ministries in Cameroon exacerbates the problem of bad governance (Kubudi, 2021). Decision-making processes are often opaque, with little to no public oversight or scrutiny. This lack of transparency fosters an environment conducive to abuse of power and rent-seeking behavior among government officials, further entrenching corruption and undermining the rule of law.

Additionally, weak accountability mechanisms fail to hold public officials to task for their actions, allowing impunity to prevail and eroding citizens' confidence in the integrity of public institutions (Jayden, 2023). As a result, the dynamics of bad governance in selected ministries in Cameroon not only impede effective service delivery but also undermine democratic governance and perpetuate inequalities within society. Regardless of the recognition of the pervasive nature of bad governance in public institutions in Cameroon, there exists a notable gap in empirical studies that comprehensively analyze the dynamics of bad governance within selected ministries. While anecdotal evidence and qualitative research shed light on specific instances of corruption, lack of transparency, and weak accountability, there is a lack of systematic quantitative analysis that examines the extent, causes, and consequences of bad governance across ministries. Against the backdrop, the study seeks to the dynamics of bad governance in public institutions: a case study of selected ministries in Cameroon.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The broad objective of the study is focused on a critical analysis on the dynamics of bad governance in public institutions: a case study of selected ministries in Cameroon. Specifically, the study seeks to:

              i.Examine the extent of bad governance across selected ministries in Cameroon

            ii.Ascertain different manifestations of bad governance across selected ministries in Cameroon

          iii.Determine the root causes of bad governance across selected ministries in Cameroon

          iv.Investigate the impact of bad governance on public service delivery.

1.4 Research Questions

2 What is the extent of bad governance across selected ministries in Cameroon?

3 What are the different manifestations of bad governance across selected ministries in Cameroon?

4 What are the root causes of bad governance across selected ministries in Cameroon?

5 What are the impact of bad governance public service delivery?

1.5 Research Hypotheses

Ho: There is no significant impact of bad governance on public service delivery.

Hi: There is a significant impact of bad governance on public service delivery.

1.6 Significance of the Study

The significance of studying the dynamics of bad governance in selected ministries in Cameroon is twofold. Firstly, it holds paramount practical importance for policymakers and government officials. Understanding the intricacies of governance challenges within ministries is crucial for formulating targeted policies and implementing effective reforms. By identifying specific areas of weakness, policymakers can devise strategies to enhance transparency, accountability, and efficiency in governance processes. This, in turn, can lead to improved service delivery, better utilization of public resources, and increased public trust in government institutions. Ultimately, addressing governance deficiencies within ministries is essential for promoting effective governance and achieving sustainable socio-economic development in Cameroon.

Empirically, the study holds significant academic value. By conducting empirical research and providing evidence-based analysis, it contributes to the scholarly understanding of governance dynamics in developing countries like Cameroon. Through rigorous examination of governance practices and their implications, the study adds to theoretical frameworks and methodological approaches in the field of public administration and governance studies. Furthermore, the findings of the study can inform future research endeavors and academic debates on governance reform, institutional development, and public policy implementation in similar contexts.

1.7 Scope of the Study

The scope of the study borders on critical analysis on the dynamics of bad governance in public institutions: a case study of selected ministries in Cameroon. The content scope of the study on the dynamics of bad governance in selected ministries in Cameroon encompasses a comprehensive examination of governance challenges within specific government departments. This includes an analysis of various aspects such as corruption, lack of transparency, weak accountability mechanisms, and inefficiencies in service delivery. The study aims to delve into the root causes of these governance deficiencies, their manifestations within ministries, and their implications for public service provision and socio-economic development. Additionally, the study may explore potential solutions and best practices for addressing governance challenges and promoting good governance within ministries.

In terms of geographical scope, the study focuses specifically on ministries within the governmental framework of Cameroon with reference to Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Commerce.

1.8 Limitations of the Study

One of the key limitations of the study on the dynamics of bad governance in selected ministries in Cameroon is the potential for scope limitations. Given the complexity and multifaceted nature of governance challenges, the study may face constraints in terms of its scope, including time, resources, and data availability. Conducting comprehensive research across multiple ministries and regions within Cameroon within a limited timeframe and with finite resources may necessitate a narrower focus like choosing Ministry of Finance and or the exclusion of certain aspects of governance dynamics. Additionally, access to reliable and comprehensive data on governance practices within ministries may be limited, potentially impacting the depth and breadth of the study's analysis. Moreover, the study's findings may be constrained by contextual factors such as political sensitivities, bureaucratic resistance, and legal constraints, which could influence researchers' ability to conduct thorough investigations or disseminate findings freely. Despite these limitations, careful consideration and transparent reporting of scope constraints are essential for ensuring the study's integrity and providing valuable insights into governance challenges in Cameroon.

1.9 Definition of Terms

Bad Governance: Bad governance refers to a situation in which the institutions and processes of governance, whether in the public or private sectors, fail to effectively fulfill their responsibilities and obligations to citizens. This encompasses a range of deficiencies, including corruption, lack of transparency, weak rule of law, abuse of power, inefficiency, and disregard for human rights. Bad governance can manifest at various levels of governance, from local governments to national administrations, and can have profound implications for social, economic, and political development.

Ministries: Ministries are governmental departments or agencies responsible for overseeing specific sectors or areas of public policy and administration. Ministries typically have distinct mandates and responsibilities, such as education, health, finance, agriculture, justice, and transportation. Within the governmental framework, ministries play a critical role in formulating policies, implementing programs, regulating activities, and delivering public services.

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  • Methodology: Yes available

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